7 common myths associated with travelling debunked with real facts


It's an undeniable fact that we Indians put our faith into countless myths across the course of our lives. Our set of beliefs is what impact our decisions as well as the course of our journey throughout. Travelling across cities and countries widens our course of beliefs, opinions and perspectives. It not only widens our horizon of mind but affects our concept of getting through life.

But our mind has a tendency to form myths based on the experiences and advice of others before actually experiencing them through our eyes and the same goes with travelling. Everyone has their own stories and advice to share which form such myths. But letting these myths define your course of the journey may not be the best thing to do.

Here is a list of 7 common myths which are inaccurate and need to be redefined with your experiences:

1. Travelling is expensive


One of the most common and prominent myths about travelling is that it's expensive. Many people refrain from travelling because of the traditional myth that travelling is an expensive endeavour and can cost a lot.

If you plan a proper itinerary it will save you thousands of bucks. The major catch lies in planning well in advance and booking your major expenses like hotels, flights or trains and taking an estimate of the local conveyance. Budgeting is another way of travelling inexpensively.

2. Strangers can be threatening


Well, some strangers can be misleading and threatening but talking to people around you and knowing their life stories and journeys can be the most exciting part of the trip. When you allow yourself to meet new people, you are allowing yourself to broaden your sense and understanding to be a part of their journey and experiences.

Meeting new people and talking to strangers and locals will teach you more than any other book in the 2 worlds. The only flex lies in following your intuition and knowing who to talk to and who to avoid.

3. Travelling requires thorough planning before the execution


Yes, travelling does require planning but if you ever wondered about it, the last minute plans can create the best memories. Planning makes it easy to execute the plans and saves quite a few bucks but don’t tie yourself down too much. Instead, leave yourself plenty of time to enjoy the things you’ll find when you reach your destination.

4. Solo travelling is dangerous and boring


This is likely one of the most common myths about travelling. Solo travelling is all about discovering yourself and spending as much time with yourself. In reality, travelling by yourself can be quite rewarding. Travelling alone allows you to get outside of your comfort zone and is an opportunity to learn more about yourself, try new things, and meet new people. While it is always a good idea to use safe travel precautions like being aware of your surroundings and keeping valuables tucked away, solo travel doesn’t have to be scary

5. Locals know everything about their city


Well, that’s not true. Some people are unaware of many things in their city, and while many of them might help you get the way, the best idea lies in conforming it from two-three people.
Do not solely rely on one person, find other ways for exploring a place or taking help from locals.

6. Consulting a travel advisor is complicated and time-consuming


Working with a travel advisor will save you a lot of time because they are meant to handle the ‘complicated’ aspects of travel for you.

7. Consuming local food can cause food poisoning


Eating local cuisine when travelling somewhere new is one of the best ways to connect to an area’s culture, history, and people. Plus, it’s typically fast, inexpensive, and you can watch it being made—three great features for travellers!

When it comes to the myth about street food causing illness, the truth is that the same can be said for high-end restaurants and fast-food joints. What’s important is to know what to look for when choosing a place to eat in a new city, country, or region.

Here are some quick tips to help you pick local street food:

  1. Before your trip, research popular street food areas in the city you will be visiting.
  2. When you’re in your destination, ask locals about their favorite street food cart.
  3. Follow the crowds! Busy spots are popular for a reason.
  4. Pick items that are cooked in a pan or deep fryer.
  5. Choose carts where you can watch your food be made. Don’t grab pre-made meals.

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